Framing artwork, whether favourite personal photographs, sports memorabilia, or original paintings, limited edition prints, can be divided into levels of framing.

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The Fine Art Trade Guild, in the UK, defines four levels of framing.

  • Level 1  – This is the highest level, previously known as Museum Level
  • Level 2 – This level was previously called the Conservation level.
  • Level 3 – This was previously called the commended level
  • Level 4 – Minimum or budget level

The levels of framing we use are dependent on the quality or materials used and the techniques use to attach the artwork and seal the finished frame.

At Level 1, for example, we use the highest quality mountboard and all techniques used much allow for all the steps to be reversible  (we don’t stick or pin or glue anything down).

Now, not all art needs to be framed at Museum level, or even conservation level for that matter.

IMG 3500Quite often we have a beautiful card or a lovely photograph of a family event, and you “just want to frame it”. This includes me! I want to find a nice little frame, and I’d like to enjoy the photograph, without all the fuss (and cost) of getting a picture framer involved.

Does that sound familiar?

I’m running a few free online sessions, starting on Monday 12th February, on Planning and Measuring your art, so that you can find the perfect frame.


Perhaps you
• have been to my workshop in person or done an online workshop, so you know me, and you may know someone who you think would be interested
• want to try your hand at a few of the fun things we do in these little online workshops I run
• are just curious about what happens in my online workshops (how can it be hands-on?)
• are ready to join my next online course, and this is a perfect way to see if the online workshops work!

The free sessions are at 6pm (GMT), online on:
• Monday 12th February
• Tuesday 13th February
• Thursday 15th February

Would you like to join me? read more

I will also take the time to introduce “The Confident Picture Framer”. My online picture framing course, taking you from novice to confident picture framer in 8 weeks. Read more…

“I can’t learn to frame at home, I have no equipment or space…or time…”

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Over the last few years, I have heard the most delightful stories of where people are framing and how they’re working around that space and time issue. (I used to frame in the spare room, and I kept all my equipment under the bed. If it didn’t fit under the bed, I didn’t buy it!)
Some of my students work in the box room, others in the loft and some on the dining room table after the family heads off for school and the office!

The free taster session is to show you how the online workshops run. Come along, meet me and see how it all works.
It’s free, but you need to register to join the calls  –  read more


I look forward to seeing you online, sometime soon.


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