November News

Given the world is once again (or still…) topsy-turvy, I thought I’d give you a taster of my November newsletter. Greetings from Africa! For those of you with friends and family on distant shores, you’ll know that red list restrictions made seeing family...

Interview with Sue

Another year has slipped by The air was bright and crisp this morning. Blossom is appearing at the tips of branches, there are daffodils on my breakfast table in the sunshine, and each morning is brighter, and the evenings stretch out that little bit more. All so good...

In the world of bespoke framing – who is my customer?

It occurs to me that given my past, I should have written more than one blog entry between “Welcome to 2017!” and today, early March 2019.  This is especially true given that my ‘previous life’ was all about writing blogs and keeping my...

Welcome to 2017!

It’s January 2017!  Apart from stating the obvious, that yet another new year has rolled in, I’m writing to thank my customers and friends for a great year in 2016. I have a friend who often says “I’m blessed; I like my job”.  It’s...

River Crane Framing visits Twickenham Green Charity Fair

Monday, 25 May 2015, the HANDS Charity Fair was held on Twickenham Green.  The organisers offer a few places to local crafters and so River Crane Framing made its  debut visit.  We thoroughly enjoyed the day and hope it’s the first of many with HANDS.  I was...

Learn the Basics of Framing in Kew

Looking for a gift for Christmas? Why not find a special picture, a photograph from a recent holiday or a picture that carries a special meaning and frame it!  The next framing class is in Kew, a walk down the road from Kew Gardens station.  The weekend is split into...